Today we went over these videos and did the examples if you were absent please review these videos.
Tener video
Tener video part 2 helpful expressions
Tener Que
Tener ganas de
Tener ___ anos
This will be on the enfoque tomorrow.
We aslo did activities p.41 Act 11 & 13
P.42 & 43 activities 14-17
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Comida Mexicana Video
This is a video made by Teachers Discovery about Food in Mexico , Enjoy!
This is a video made by Teachers Discovery about Food in Mexico , Enjoy!
Tarea 10/26-10/30
Tarea Para la semana de 26 de octubre - 30 de octubre
Write what you will be bringing to the fiesta on an index card
ex- Yo voy a traer el pastel y también voy a traer los globos para la fiesta.
Red wb p. 92
& For family tree activity you will need to bring in a picture of yourself picture should be the standard size of a 3x5 or it may be a wallet if you prefer.
Red wb page 93 Regalos on thursday this week
10 minute write p. 61 4) escribir time yourself for 10 minutes so its more like a long note. we’ll do this in class. Prepare for La Fiesta
Lab Day
La Fiesta - no hay tarea
Please bring your food or drinks in containers that can be tossed or recycled- Thank You.
Recipes for Aguas Frescas
recipe for watermelon or cantaloupe Aguas Frescas
recipe for watermelon or cantaloupe Aguas Frescas
Monday, October 26, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Nuestra Fiesta- Que vas a hacer tu?
Nuestra Fiesta - viernes 30 de octubre
Todos van a preparar algo para beber o comer
y también otra contribución
Each dish or drink will require a recipe, the country your recipe comes from, a video of the ingredients saying them in spanish ( at least 4) and maybe who helped you so for example if your mom is making the dish introduce us to your mom. You can send this to me via google classrooms. I will give you the code in class.
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El pastel
Los globos
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las flores
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la pinata
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las luces
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el papel picado
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el papel picado
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decoraciones de papel
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los dulces
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regalo para
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cartel para
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los platos y los vasos (36 personas)
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equipo de decorar y preparar la fiesta
Tenedores, cucharas, servilletas, mantel ( 36 personas)
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equipo de limpiar
fotografo/ cinematografo
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
miercoles 21 de octubre
Hoy hicimos enfoque #12 .
Despues trabajamos con nuestras familias en el papel - Famillia Escolar.
Tienen que entrgarlo el viernes. Es necesario incluir una foto de tu familia. Que tengan una hermosa tarde.
Hasta manana clase !
Manana vamos a hablar sobre nuestra fiesta que es el viernes 30 de octubre.
Despues trabajamos con nuestras familias en el papel - Famillia Escolar.
Tienen que entrgarlo el viernes. Es necesario incluir una foto de tu familia. Que tengan una hermosa tarde.
Hasta manana clase !
Manana vamos a hablar sobre nuestra fiesta que es el viernes 30 de octubre.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
tomorrow's in class assignment
If you would like to print this out ahead of time or work on it you can , you will be filling this out as a family for each of you tomorrow.
Mi Familia Escolar
Mi Familia Escolar
(foto de la familia aqui)
- Me llamo….
- Soy el / la ______________ de ____________.
- _________ es mi ______________.
- Yo soy ………
- Tengo --- años
- Soy de _________ ______________
- A veces soy un poco _________
- Según mi familia soy __________
- A Mí me gusta ________________
- No me gusta nada ___________
- Mi familia es ______________
Hoy 20 de octubre
Saluda a tu familia
Tell your family your name and how you are feeling today and one relationship to you in the family
Estoy Agradecido por - share within your family ( beach ball)
Practice Flashcards with someone in your family
( Ill stamp and we can go over homework) p.89 & 88
Do Blue Video Wb p.1-4
Watch Video Historia
We took notes and watched the video on possessive adjectivesso please re-watch them again and ask me questions if you do not understand.
LA TAREA----------------------------------------------------------------------
red work-book p.90 watch possessive adjective instructional video
possessive adjectives continued- video
Monday, October 19, 2015
Monday October 19 2015
Today we Presented our Dialogues in class or using Telgami or Pow Tunes! Here is the Homework for the week
Tarea para la semana del 19 de octubre al 23 de octubre 2015
verb sheet , red wb p. 88 & 89
red work-book p.90 watch possessive adjective instructional video
possessive adjectives continued- video
enfoque - today
watch verb Tener -
Here are other ways you can use tener this is a helpful video
Family Tree include descriptions & family Picture
red work-book - p. 91
enfoque today - you may bring Regalos to your familia
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Periods 1-5 Testing today - so here are the lessons
Today we will go over homework page 86
Periods 1-5 please ask sub to stamp Wednesdays and Thursdays Homework
Take notes on fiesta vocabulary

This might be more clear
also extra vocabulary sheet make sure to get one from sub near the projector

here is a copy

Copy and translate these sentences
Periods 1-5 please ask sub to stamp Wednesdays and Thursdays Homework
Take notes on fiesta vocabulary
This might be more clear
- hacer - to do or to make example hacer un video
- sacar- to take sacar fotos
- decorar- to decorate decorar con papel picado
- abrir- to open abrir los regalos
- romper- to break romper la pinata
- celebrar- to celebrate celebrar tu cumpleanos
- tener - to have ( age) tener 13 anos
- preparar- to prepare preparar la comida
- cumplir-to complete (age) voy a cumplir 14 anos
add these to the yellow verb sheet ( ask sub for one tomorrow)
also extra vocabulary sheet make sure to get one from sub near the projector
here is a copy
Copy and translate these sentences
- La esposa de mi hermano es mi cunada.
- El padre de mi esposa es mi suegro.
- La hija de mi hermana es mi sobrina.
- El esposo de mi hija es mi yerno.
- Los hijos de mis hijos son mis nietos.
- Los hijos de mis tios son mis primos.
You may bring your family treats on Monday and Friday of Next week.
2nd period family Picture
Very Cute guys! but guess what you have to retake this I cant see two students in the very back! I love that you included Danny! We are Family!!!!!!Somos Familia
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Las mananitas- Mexican Birthday song
Las Mananitas - Mexican Birthday song we will learn for our fiesta and
to sing for students on their birthday!
to sing for students on their birthday!
13 De Octubre
You receive your new families today!
Take down the names of your family and begin to be aware of their relationship to you!
Thank You for being great sports and kind to each other in this family simulation!
Have a wonderful day!
Abuelos you will stamp your family homework!
Take down the names of your family and begin to be aware of their relationship to you!
Thank You for being great sports and kind to each other in this family simulation!
Have a wonderful day!
Abuelos you will stamp your family homework!
Feliz Cumpleanos Donovan
This is the Mexican Birthday Song sang at every birthday party have a wonderful day!
This is the Mexican Birthday Song sang at every birthday party have a wonderful day!
2nd period families
Sorry they are so unclear
make sure to have a copy of your family
tree in your notes so you can do the class activities
Monday, October 12, 2015
Lessons for Monday October 12th
Today you will receive new calendars please do not loose these as you will only receive one and may loose the credit you have earned.
We are going to do something new with Estoy Agradecido Por...we will write this on the back of the blue calendars , you must include the date in Spanish and rewrite each day the pharse estoy agradecido por.
New song for the week is Marc Anthony's Vivir - this song uses the simple future ir + a + infinitive so make sure you high light all the ir + a + infinitive you find in the lyrics this will be an extra stamp at the end of the week.
We will correct the first Test we did on Friday. If you have any questions to any section that you did not understand come see me Tuesday - Thursday this week after school or before.
You will have some time to work on Dialogues today - you will be presenting them to the class on Monday.
Go over new vocabulary for chapter 5A p. 32 & 33 vocab list is on p.60
New families tomorrow!
Please make sure to bring your positive attitude, you are not to make bad faces or have a negative attitude with anyone you get paired up with. It could be very hurtful and a form of bullying even if it is passive that you do not want to engage in. Also please do not be disappointed with your role in the family , it will be completely random , we will pick cards. See you tomorrow have a wonderful day!
We are going to do something new with Estoy Agradecido Por...we will write this on the back of the blue calendars , you must include the date in Spanish and rewrite each day the pharse estoy agradecido por.
New song for the week is Marc Anthony's Vivir - this song uses the simple future ir + a + infinitive so make sure you high light all the ir + a + infinitive you find in the lyrics this will be an extra stamp at the end of the week.
We will correct the first Test we did on Friday. If you have any questions to any section that you did not understand come see me Tuesday - Thursday this week after school or before.
You will have some time to work on Dialogues today - you will be presenting them to the class on Monday.
Go over new vocabulary for chapter 5A p. 32 & 33 vocab list is on p.60
New families tomorrow!
Please make sure to bring your positive attitude, you are not to make bad faces or have a negative attitude with anyone you get paired up with. It could be very hurtful and a form of bullying even if it is passive that you do not want to engage in. Also please do not be disappointed with your role in the family , it will be completely random , we will pick cards. See you tomorrow have a wonderful day!
La tarea para la semana de 10/12- 10/16/2015
La Tarea / Homework Para la semana de 12 de octubre - 16 de octubre
Flashcards p.60
Feliz Cumpleanos Ophir y Veer
red workbook p.85
Feliz Cumpleaños Donovan
red workbook p.86
red workbook p.87
red workbook p. 88 it is class work but if you do not finish in class please finish for homework.
Dialogues are due on Monday , 19th of october !
You may bring something for your family on Thursday this week because I won’t be here on Friday. Friday you will have a vocab quiz. Grammar will not be included.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Lesson Plans for Martes 6 de Octubre
Saluda a tu vecino
Estoy agradecido por ....
- albondigas - meatballs
- crema de cacahuate (mani) - peanut butter
Continue our practice with ser and estar
Verb Ir
Create a Skit with your partner using vocabulary from each of the section fill in the blanks with vocabulary from page 22 & 23
If you’d like to create a powtoons and animate your dialogue you may do so
or turn your dialogue into a monologue and use tellagami to create an avitar and use your voice to record your monologue
Monday, October 5, 2015
10/5/2015 Tarea Para la Semana
5 de octubre
song of the week vamos a la playa richiera and Vivir by Marc anthony
act 22 p.24 in text book
Review videos
6 de octubre
Act 23 p. 25
practice skts
Study Guide
7 de octubre
Act 25 p.26
Practice skits
Study Guide |
8 de octubre
Act 28 p. 27
Study Guide
Study for Para Empezar Chapter Test
9 de octubre
Para Empezar Test Today
No hay Tarea!
Lessons For October 5th 2015
Lesson Plans
Hoy es lunes 5 de octubre
Song of the week Vamos a la playa richeria
Vivir - Marc Anthony
Saquen sus agendas y sus calendarios y su food log
Saluda tu vecino- Greet your neighbor
Write - estoy agradecido por…
1 El sermón de ayer en Grace
2 Mi pastor
Make a Blank Food Pyramid and categorize each thing you ate last week.
(use your food log) place each food into one of the sections of your food pyramid.
write a reflection ( 5 minute write in spanish)
Yo no soy super saludable. Yo se que como muchos carbohidratos.
Como mucho pan, pasta, galletas saladas, arroz y tortillas.
Necesito comer más frutas y verduras como ensaladas, guisantes
y judías verdes. Tambien necesito comer mas proteina como nueces y
frijoles. Aveces como helado y chocolate porque me encanta pero necesito comer menos de eso. Tambien necesito hacer mas ejercicio como ir al gimnasio o caminar mas distancia con mi perrita Mercy.
Review Ser and Estar
Do activity with Senor Jordan
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