Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Para Empezar Practice 1A


Practice with Para Empezar ! 

To Practice using multiple choice click here 

To Test Yourself Click Here

Monday, August 19, 2019

Tarea  19 de agosto de 2019.

Talk to your parents about back to school night.
Watch a Señor Jordan Video to review greetings .
In order to get your stamp tomorrow you will
need a parent signature in your organizer. Your stamp
is not only to review greetings but also to see you use your
organizer and follow instructions.

Today's Heading 19 de agosto.
Hoy es lunes 19 de agosto.
Hoy hace buen tiempo.
Hoy es verano.
Estoy agradecido por.....
Llevo .... ( choose one : camiseta, pantalones, pantalones cortos,
blusa, camisa, vestido)

Friday, August 16, 2019

Movie recommendations- The farewell

The Farewell  -movie recommendation 

Super Holly Video

Learning Spanish in Mexico 
Love her mindset- Lets be curious about others , about cultures and languages. Wonder,  learn and explore.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nuestra Clase assignment 2019/2020

Here is the link for your first assignment Nuestra Clase

DUE MONDAY period 2-5

First period only due Tuesday due to assembly today .

Hard Copy- DUE MONDAY period 2-5

First period only due Tuesday due to assembly today 

You must also do a hard copy on the paper i gave you .
Here is
my example.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Here Begins the 2019/2020 School Year
The adventure begins now .......

Here is your first assignment
Welcome Letter 2019/2020 school year ( click here)
Please read , print and sign and keep a copy in
your binder .

Here is your second assignment
August Calendar

END OF 2018/2019 School Year ______________________________________________