We will be doing them in class tomorrow .
Trailer for Macfarlan USA a Juanes Film

Párrafo Escrito
All requirements fulfilled. 8 frases completas. Correct pronunciation and use of vocabulary and grammar.
Most requirements fulfilled. 5-7 frases completas.
Few errors on pronunciation and/or use of vocabulary or grammar.
Half or less requirements fulfilled.
Presentación Oral
Great eye contact
Spoke loud & clear
Well memorized - only used card for quick check of fact
OK eye contact
Not consistent w/ volume
Needed to use card for more than quick glance
Poor eye contact
Too quiet
Too fast/slow
Not memorized, used card a lot
Not practiced
Good, clear photo emailed to me or on phone
Photo not clear or not recent
Forgot to find, email or bring in photo
Párrafo Escrito
10 frases completas
Includes punctuation and capitalization
5-7 frases completas
Includes punctuation and capitalization
1-4 frases no son completas
Discurso/ Speech
・Great eye contact
・Spoke loud & clear
Correct pronunciation and use of vocabulary and grammar concepts in this chapter.
・OK eye contact
・Not consistent w/ volume or clarity. Some errors in pronunciation and vocabulary and grammar usage.
・Poor eye contact
・Too quiet
・Too fast/slow
Errors in grammar and vocabulary usage
LA Foto
Good clear visual, used in speech to enhance presentation
Photo OK, but not referred to much in speech
No photo used
Red Workbook p.89
Act. 18 & 19 finish writing paragraph on your partner.
Mi Pariente Favorito/a
Due Thursday & Friday
October 20 & 21, 2016
Flashcards practice - English to Spanish
Activity 15 p. 42 answers only figure out the math puzzle.
Activity 17 p. 42 in complete sentences
Pronunciation p. 45
In partners do activity 18 & 19 p.44 I will give you a partner in class.
Here are some videos to review the vocabulary and grammar in this chapter
La familia
http://bit.ly/2dDZBUI- Review Tener here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J90RjIRLXgo- Review Tener expressions
Review of Idiomatic expressions
Red work book
p. 90 & 91
Correct HW p. 89
Notes p. 48 + Ac 25 &26
Activity 25 write both sentences
Act. 26 answers only
Watch Video and Do interactive practice.
Possessive adjectives
Present 3 interviews to the class
Feliz Cumpleanos Ameya
Cross- word puzzle p. 92 make sure you fill in the boxes
Print Fondos culturales template link is here
Enfoque -stamp hw
Go over hw
Read p. 52 diminutives & do the activities plus Act 31 p. 52
Red workbook p.93
Finish fondos culturales
Stamp -while you practice flashcards
Correct Enfoque
Fondos Culturales in Lab or chrome carts
No hay tarea
5a Test