Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week Of 1/26/2016

Here are the lessons for the week and the homework.

Dia  leccion       extra practice  la tarea          
no hay escuela
extra vocabulary practice with La casa

extra practice with the chores
Many are using Spanish from Mexico so you will learn two ways to say the chores.

selfie #1
corregir la tarea p.112-116
TPR p.127
mandatos y quehaceres

6B vocab quiz periods 7 & 8

Senor Jordan Video
10 commands !
write 10 requests of another person to do for you using the informal tu command.

selfie #2
corrige p.116
finish TPR Presentations of Commands
enfoque on commands

Teach Present progressive
take notes , do p117
buffy story

Video on Present progressive
Red Workbook p.117
enfoque #1
selfie #3
corrige p.117
continue present progressive

verb sheet

buffy story

red workbook p. 118

selfie #4
corrige p.118
enfoque #2
present progressive

buffy story

red workbook p. 118
enfoque #2

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Extra Credit Video for first semseter

Here is the link for the Extra Credit video of your bedroom please turn in here

Feel free to check out other videos here for vocabulary practice!

1st semester selfie turn in link

Thank you to everyone who has turned in their selfie for semester one! I'm so excited to begin with this next Tuesday.  But I have a huge favor to ask you please resubmit it using this google form to those of you that still need to submit it please do so on this form.
Here is the link

Displaying IMG_1820.JPG

Displaying IMG_1820.JPG

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Test 6A rescheduled for Tuesday January 12th

Hola Estudiantes Brillantes!

In reviewing today for tomorrows 6A chapter test I would like to take more time on this chapter so we will be taking our 6A chapter test on Tuesday January 12th.    Please review your flashcards - the comparison and superlative notes and videos ive provided by Senor Jordan and do the test practice on www.phschool.com.  Another great review technique is to teach friends or family the material from this chapter.
Have a wonderful weekend.  Get plenty of sleep, eat healthy foods,enjoy your family, and do something you love!
Hasta Manana!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A Challenge! Comparisons and Superlatives

This video is done in Spanish by a Teacher from Spain .  Its wonderful to just try and listen to it several times to see if you can understand.  Her accent is from Spain so she uses vosotros often. Please don't feel like a failure if you don't understand approach it as a challenge and hope to understand one to two words or simple recognize them .  The explains three levels of descriptions. A positive statement, the comparison and then the superlative form. Try it for fun listen  to it over and over again.  Let me know for a Peso!


Monday, January 4, 2016

Lesson plans 1/4/16 y Tarea

goals and objectives

4 de enero
review vocabulary from 6A - red workbook pages
Song of the week- colores colores Bascilos
estoy agradecido por….

red wbk pages

due end of the quarter

5 de enero
pass out calendars
review grammar p.106 comparisons
re-watch video on comparisons

p107 in red workbook
red workbook pages

due end of the quarter


6 de enero
sub today
sub day - go over homework stamp calendars
enfoque on comparisons
re-watch superlatives video with video historia

p. 108 in red workbook
red workbook pages

due end of the quarter


7 de enero
stamp and correct homework
enfoque on superlatives

review p. 123 with students in class

red workbook pages

due end of the quarter


8 de enero
examen capitulo 6A

to prepare go to www.phschool .com
go to page 122 study all vocabulary

p123 has all the details of the test please review and study this page
espejo espejo en la pared!

due end of the quarter

Welcome back !

I hope all of you feel rested and had a wonderful break.  I hope you are excited to get back into your routine of learning!  Have a wonderful week! Remember this week on Wednesday there will be a sub.  Please remember to be respectful and to handle class as you would on a normal day - prepared to learn.