Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hungry Planet #2

Here is the Link to the document Hungry Planet #2 Comparing a family from Guatemala with a family in Turkey.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

EL Piramide de Nutrición
For the Nutrition Pyramid Please search the internet for the one pyramid that best represents your families view of healthy food choices and what you have in your diet.  Remember the larger part of the Food Pyramid ( the bottom) is what you eat the  most of.  Print and glue into your notebook .

Then make an adaptation of it to represent what you and your family eat regularly.  Draw and color this one in your notebook.  Use color on both if possible.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Videos para la tarea

Here is the Video Link for ER verb practice - make sure to write in your notebook the practice sentences in order to get your stamp on your September calendar.

Here is the Video Link for IR verb practice - make sure to write in your notebook the practice sentences in order to get your stamp on your September calendar.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hungry Planet Homework assignment- 9/20/2017
Here is the link with tonights assignment.

Please make a copy fill in the assignment then print it and bring it to class.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ar Video to watch for homework!

Please watch Ar verbs video to review the Ar verb conjugations you have learned in Spanish 1A - we will begin the review tomorrow in class.  Remember to get a signature from your parents to prove you have seen the video.  Hasta Mañana Chicos.


Ar Verb song- for fun!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Prepositions- Tarea

Please write one sentence using the following prepositions and draw a simple illustration to enhance your sentence.

  1. al lado de 
  2. debajo de
  3. delante de/ en frente de 
  4. detrás de
  5. entre
  6. encima de
  7. en
  8. a la izquierda
  9. a la derecha

example -
El ratón está encima de la caja.

Here is the preposition song link

Re- Watch the preposition video for more practice

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Thursday Nights homework

Here is the link for Thursday nights homework.  It is exactly like the p.10 quiz on Friday with different details.

Print it out and bring it to class on Friday

Tarea para Hoy Miércoles 6 de septiembre

Make Flashcards of Page 10 both the ordinal numbers and the Subjects .  Bring extra notecards as we will add subjects that are not on page 10 but are part of your horario.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Classrooms around the world

Classrooms Around The World

This is the link.  Look through all the pictures.  Choose one to write about.  You write in Spanish one paragraph about all the things you see.  The second paragraph is a reflection about the classroom your choose.  Tell us what you see and feel free to dig deeper to find out as much as you can about the town , the people, the culture and relevant facts.  Remember if you are stating your opinion let your reader know that.