Video yourself going through your room or a random room and point to and say what 10 things are in Spanish. Use the vocabulary from this chapter. ( p. 122) You can add other vocabulary but that will be beyond the 10 from this chapter. If you don't have 10 things, you can say what you don't have.
Ex: No tengo ni una cómoda ni una alfombra.
Feel free to add pets or siblings. Tell us that you have your own room - Tengo mi propio dormitorio or that you share a room. Comparto el dormitorio con mi hermana.
Mention one superlative and one comparison.
Ex: Mi dormitorio es el más bonito.
Mi dormitorio es más grande que el dormitorio de mi hermana.
Also point out the colors of your walls and or room.
Due: Thursday December 6th, 2018
Feel free to submit it early we can view a few tomorrow also.
Please fill out the google form and submit your video in the last question.
Make sure to test your link to make sure I can view it or I can not give you a score.
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