Monday, April 22, 2019

Mi Basura

MI Bolsa de Basura
Image result for recycling

You have this week to get your trash and recycling items together .
  • Una bolsa de papel
  • Una bolsa de plastico
  • De papel
  • De plástico
  • Una lata
  • De vidrio
  • De carton
  • Una botella
  • Un periodico
  • Una caja
  • Algo usado

Please bring something for each of these bullet points take from your recycling bin or things you don’t need because they will not be returned to you.

Monday, April 8, 2019

PostCard assignment

Due Wednesday 4/10/2019
8A Spanish Post Card Project 
Your task is to select a Spanish speaking destination. You may choose a country or a city.  You will write a "postcard" to your  Spanish teacher which details your trip.  You are still on your vacation with your family or friends when you write the letter but you talk about what you have done. You may write about yourself , your family or your friends activities while on vacation. On the back there will be a picture depicting the place/places you visited along with a stamp in the top right corner. All places mentioned must exist in real life.  Writing may be typed , but your picture and stamp must be drawn.

Checklist :
Underline the criteria on your postcard.

  • 3 places you visited that relate to the vocabulary learned in chapter 8A
  • Three verbs from this chapter 
  • Two ways you traveled / are going to travel
  • The best part of your trip 
  • How was your trip 
  • Hand drawn picture of the place/ places  I visited ( do your best )
  • A stamp - related to the place 

Post Card Example

Querida Sra. Severo,
         Estoy en Nicaragua.  Fue un viaje tremendo.  Aprendí mucho de los lugares que visité. Primero, visité al Museo de Leyendas y Mitos en Leon. Mi familia y yo compramos muchos recuerdos allí. Mi recuerdo favorito fue mi nuevo llavero! Después, viajamos en autobús para ir al parque nacional, Yoho Falls. Es realmente bonito allí. Yahoo Falls es la mejor parte de mi viaje. Finalmente, visité el volcán Concepción en Ometepe. Allí, vi el lago más alto del mundo. Fue hermoso.  El viernes , voy en avión para regresar a casa. Te veo pronto! ( See you soon ) 

                                  Tu Estudiante 
                                         First Name , Last name