Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Extended TIme on Flags and Comparison assignment

If you have not presented your comparison project , you may present tomorrow or Thursday.  I did not realize you have History Projects due so I have extended the this assignment for full credit until Thursday.

We will work on the Activities in class tomorrow p.110 & 111 Activities 25. 26, & 28 .

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Comparisons assignment chapter 6A

Here is the Link to the assignment .  Please first title the assignment with your period first & last name and comparisons .

1.Make a copy
2.  Title it period,name,comparisons6A
Write  3-Mary Severo-Comparisons 6A
3.  Delete my examples and make 10 of your own -
4. Share it with me.

Monday, January 8, 2018

6A vocabulary online activity

Mi Dormitorio
Image result for bedroom

6A online vocabulary activity.
We will work on this Tuesday or Wednesday.

Period 1   http://bit.ly/2qMmWJZ

Period 2  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyqOvy-crZEQDaRJVuVNcaP8jvoTF0bTtyKcvAH3wfs/edit

Period 3 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fW9RwU0ZX4gWIr5y_xTcUtyrLvzrJNw7TuTzAhMKY8w/edit

Period 5  http://bit.ly/2CFxaNw

Period 7  http://bit.ly/2qHMvvx

Click on the Link .  Go to page 122 in the Text book select a vocabulary word in Spanish that has not been selected.  Write the word, define it, find a symbol for that word and lastly write notes, wonders, questions, or reflection about why you choose that word.
Image result for cyber etiquette

Cyber etiquette - DO not delete or alter another students work.  Its simply not cool.

Welcome Back ! Happy New Year

Looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow.
I trust your holiday was relaxing and refreshing.
Enjoy today.