Monday, November 18, 2019

Tarea 11/18/2019

Tarea - 11/18/2019

  • Practice placemat vocabulary & get signature- this is the last one .
  • Red Wb p. 100 & 101
  • Work on your "pariente favorito" - Due Thursday- turn in on google classroom.
  • Test Wednesday  

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Season of Giving

Operation Christmas Child
It's the season for giving and thinking about others.
Please considering helping us fill show boxes to send to kids around the world
who might not receive anything this season.
If any of you can donate a few small toys to go into our shoe boxes ,
we would greatly appreciate it. You can come by fellowship club tomorrow and help us fill shoe boxes. You can drop your items off to room 225 any time tomorrow .
Please no candy or food, liquids , or weapons or war toys.
You can bring small books, coloring books, stuffed animals , crayons markers, socks, scarfs, beanies, balls, games, hair accessories, toothbrushes, etc. ages 2-14 :)

Gramativa 5B

Watch Gramativa 5B Ser and Estar

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

La tarea 11/13/2019 & 11/14/2019

la Tarea
miércoles 13 de noviembre
red wb p. 98
Finish Act. 3,4,5 p. 69

jueves 14 de noviembre
red wb. p. 99
Read p. 86 in the textbook and do the first part of Check it out. Find out how much time you and your family spend at breakfast ,lunch and dinner on days when you are not at school or work . Write it in your notebook
Check it out
Mi familia come el desayuno en _____ minutos .
Mi familia come el almuerzo en _____ minutos .
Mi familia come la cena en _____ minutos .

The next day ( Friday) You will interview students in class  to complete the second part of check it out. 
Friday Interview using this table - you can print it out if you'd like or do it on your chrome book.

Mi pariente favorito

Mi Pariente Favorito
Due Thursday November 21, 2019
Here is the rubric
Examples Here: example 1, student example , student example #2
Fechas Importantes

   Día       Fecha

Enfoque 11- Descriptions
Enfoque 12- Table Vocabulary
Vocab Quiz #5

Enfoque 14 - Verb venir and ser and estar
Grammar Quiz #6 moved to Monday
venir, ser, and estar
5B Test ( review p. 90 & 91)
Mi pariente favorito presentation. 

November 24- December 1 Thanksgiving Holiday

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

11/12/2019 La Tarea

Tarea - 11/12/2019

  • Practice placemat vocabulary & get signature
  • Red w.b. p. 96 & 97 use vocabulary on p.90
  • Finish Act 3,4,&5 p. 96
  • Vocabulary Quiz/Prueba miércoles-11/13

Thursday, November 7, 2019

La TAREA 11/7/2019

La tarea
Red wb p. 95
Bring in a guess who if you have it .

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5B- Vocabulary Part 1
  • Hombre - man 
  • Mujer- woman
  • Joven - young person 
  • Viejo/a- older person 

  • alto/a = tall
  • bajo/a = short 
  • guapo/a= good looking
  • feo/a= ugly 
  • joven= young
  • viejo/a= old
  • bonito/a= beautiful

To describe hair - use the verb tener
you can also use cabello for hair.
Tengo .....
  • Pelo canoso = gray hair
  • Pelo castaño= light brown hair , dirty blonde
  • Pelo café= dark brown hair 
  • Pelo rubio= blonde hair
  • Pelirrojo/a = red hair
  • Pelo largo= long hair
  • Pelo corto= short hair
  • Pelo lacio= straight hair
  • Pelo ondulado= wavy hair
  • Pelo rizado = curly hair

To describe yourself
  • Soy rubio/a = I’m blonde
  • Soy pelirrojo/a= I’m a red head
  • Soy calvo= I’m bald
  • Soy moreno= Im dark haired and skinned.

Additional things you might have
Tengo ....
  • Frenos - braces
  • Bigote= mustache
  • Barba= beard
  • gafas