Due Wednesday January 22, 2020

#1 - Google Slide - Real Estate Add ( ok to work with a partner)
- Title it - Se Vende una Casa or un Apartamento
- Choose a home/Apartment in a Spanish Speaking country . What city and country is it in?
- Min 5 Slides with pictures- include rooms in the house, how many bed rooms , bathrooms
- any extras ( office, game room, basement, views, library, etc)
- if possible the address and the price.
#2 Cribs Video Of your House( Ok to work with a partner)
- Make a video of your home.
- Introduce yourself and welcome the class to your house/ apartment.
- Go through each room telling us the room, one thing in each room , and what someone is doing in each room. (use the present progressive for this )
ex. Es la cocina. Es mi mamá . Ella está preparando la cena.
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